Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 6 - Pinchar (bajo deseos de Urba)

Stucking is an action applying to one thing.
Dstucking is an action applying to two things.

Understand "pincha [a thing]" as stucking.
Understand "pincha [a thing] con/en [a thing]" as dstucking.

Carry out of dstucking:
    if the second noun is aguja:
        try stucking the noun;
        try attacking the noun.

Carry out of stucking:
    if aguja is not carried:
        say "¿Con qué? Tal vez si tuviésemos en la mano alguna clase de aguja.";
        if noun is a patroller:
            say "Piensas en pinchar [al noun] con la extraña aguja, pero la verdad es que parece una mala idea.";
            say "Pinchas [al noun] con la extraña aguja, sin que ocurra nada especial.";